Vietnam 2017
Nanophysics, from fundamental to applications : reloaded
30 Jul-5 Aug 2017 Quy Nhon (Vietnam)
Thank you ! Thank you for you participation at the Conference. It has been a great success, with high quality scientific talks ! We hope that you have enjoyed the excellent and beautiful environment provided at ICISE. We are proud to announce that ICISE has been shortlisted at the World Architecture Festival among the 16 most beautiful buildings for higher education and research (more details on You can find photos of the conference on this website, as well as on the Facebook page of the conference : Looking forward to meet you again in Quy-Nhon Overview Over more than a decade, high-level international conferences have been organized in Vietnam. First devoted to Particle Physics, Astrophysics, then Biotechnology and Nanophysics. The last Condensed Matter Physics conferences were held in Hanoi in January 1999 and 2006, and in Quy Nhon in 2013. The topic of the first conference was quite broad : Superconductivity, magneto-resistive materials, and strongly correlated systems. These up-to-date topics in solid state physics had connections both towards the understanding of fundamental phenomena and towards possible applications. The second conference was devoted to nanoelectronics and nanodevices. The present conference has the same goal, although it intends to present emerging topics such as graphene, topological materials and so on. The scientific format of the Rencontres du Vietnam conferences bear similarities with the Rencontres de Moriond series of conferences which were held in the Alps during the winter season. Moriond conferences in Nanophysics where held in 1994, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2008, 2010. The Rencontres du Vietnam offer the advantage of putting some additional emphasis on the scientific panorama of Asian countries. In particular, they constitute a quite unique opportunity to meet the Vietnamese scientific community. This community is very active despite a rather difficult economical situation for this country, which was devastated by many years of war. The high level of education of scientists and students, has amazed a number of participants of these conferences. We plan to also provide some emphasis on experimental and technological aspects of the physics being presented. Indeed, the latter is a necessity because of the rather difficult economical situation of Vietnam, which needs to invest in new technologies. To get the spirit of the conference, you can also visit the 2013 conference website, and its detailled program.
Scientific Topics
Scientific program coordinators T. Jonckheere (CPT, Marseille), T. Martin (CPT, Marseille), B. Plaçais (LPA, ENS Paris), J. Rech (CPT, Marseille), P. Roche (SPEC, CEA Saclay)
Conference Chairmen Nguyen Van Hieu (Hanoi) and J. Tran Thanh Van (Orsay)
International Advisory Comittee A. Bachtold (Barcelona), C. Beenakker (Leiden), M.S. Choi (Seoul), A. Cleland (Chicago), H. Courtois (Grenoble), R. Egger (Dusseldorf), K. Ensslin (Zurich), D. Estève (Paris), V. Falko (Lancaster), A. Fert (Paris), Y. Gefen (Tel Aviv), F. Giazotto (Pisa), L. Glazman (Yale), M. Governale (Wellington), P. Hakonen (Aalto), R. Haug (Hannover), M. Heiblum (Weizmann), T . Kato (Tokyo), K. Kobayashi (Osaka), A. Levy Yeyati (Madrid), D. Loss (Basel), A. Mac Donald (Austin), L. Molenkamp (Wuerzburg), B. Reulet (Sherbrooke), M. Sasseti (Genova), J. Spletstosser (Chalmers), A. Stern (Tel Aviv), C. Strunk (Regensburg), F. von Oppen (Berlin), J. Wang (Honk Kong)
Invited speakers A. Akhmerov (Delft), N. Avraham (Rehovot), A. Bachtold (Barcelona), W. Belzig (Konstanz), D. Bercioux (San Sebastian), A. Bernevig (Princeton), Y. Blanter (Delft), I. Bobkova (Chernogolovka), V. Chandrasekhar (Evanston), Y.-C. Chang (Taipei), M.S. Choi (Seoul), A. Cleland (Chicago), T. Cong Bach (Hanoi), T. Cren (Paris), R. Egger (Dusseldorf), K. Ensslin (Zurich), D. Estève (Saclay), M. Ferrier (Orsay), G. Fève (Paris), G. Finklestein (Durham USA),Y. Gefen (Tel Aviv), F. Giazotto (Pisa), M. Goffman (Saclay), M. Governale (Wellington), P. Hakonen (Espoo), M. Hashisaka (Tokyo), H. Hüttel (Regensburg), S. Ilani (Rehovot), H. Johannesson (Gothenburg), T. Kato (Tokyo), M. Kiselev (Trieste), K. Kobayashi (Osaka), J. Koenig (Duisburg), J.-J. Lin (Hsinchu Taiwan), D. Loss (Basel), J. Meyer (Grenoble),L. Molenkamp (Wuerzburg), C. Mora (Paris), F. Pierre (Marcoussis), B. Reulet (Sherbrooke), P. Roulleau (Saclay), Y. Sano (Osaka), C. Schoenenberger (Basel), H.-S. Sim (Daejon), J. Spletstosser (Chalmers), A. Stern (Tel Aviv), P. Streda (Prague), F. von Oppen (Berlin), X. Waintal (Grenoble), J. Wang (Hong Kong), N. Wang (Hong Kong), U. Zuelicke (Wellington) |
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